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Southern Nevada Food Handler Questions 2019 Review Questions with Solutions, Exams of Nursing

Southern Nevada Food Handler Questions 2019 Review Questions with Solutions

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Available from 03/27/2024

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Download Southern Nevada Food Handler Questions 2019 Review Questions with Solutions and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Southern Nevada Food Handler Questions 2019 Review Questions with Solutions You should let your employer know if you experienced any of these 5 symptoms: - Correct answer 1. Vomiting 2. Diarrhea 3. Sore throat w/ fever 4. Infected cuts/wounds 5. Jaundice What are the 5 big Foodborne Illnesses? - Correct answer 1. Salmonella 2. Sheila 3. E. Coli 4. Hepatitis A 5. Nor virus You cannot work until you are symptom-free for __ hours without the use of medicine? - Correct answer 24 Acceptable to receive eggs, milk, and live shell stock at __ degree - Correct answer 45 degree F Shellfish tags must be kept on file for __ days - Correct answer 90 What is the "Hot Holding Zone' temperature? - Correct answer 135 degrees F above (no bacteria growth) What is the "Danger Zone" temperature? - Correct answer between 41 - 135 degrees F (Bacteria grow and multiply) What is the "Cold Holding Zone" temperature? - Correct answer 41 degrees F or below (Slow bacteria growth) It is important to maintain foods __ degrees or below when thawing (defrosting) - Correct answer 41 degrees or below To thaw via refrigeration, maintain refrigeration at __ degrees or less? - Correct answer 41 What is the process to thaw as a part of cooking? - Correct answer Take directly from frozen to cooking (great for small foods) What is the process to thaw in a microwave? - Correct answer Transfer immediately to a conventional cooking process or cook completely in the microwave What is the process to thaw via”Fully submerged under cold running water"? - Correct answer Ensure running water flows fast enough to remove and float off loose particles. Ensure all portions of food are fully submerged under water. Running water should be cold; food should not rise above 41 degrees F. Cooking temperatures are held for how many seconds? - Correct answer Minimum of 15 seconds What cooking temperature is for the -Reheat of TCS foods made in house for hot holding within 2 hours -Poultry: chicken, duck, turkey -Stuffed foods - Correct answer 165 degrees F What cooking temperature is for the -tenderized/injected and ground meats -Raw shell eggs for hot holding - Correct answer 155 degrees F What cooking temperature is for? -whole muscle meat -fish and seafood -Raw shell eggs for immediate service - Correct answer 145 degrees F What cooking temperature is for? -fruits, vegetables, and grains cooked for hot holding -reheat of manufactures TCS foods within 2 hours -Hot holding - Correct answer 135 degrees F What is the temperature for? -cold holding -frozen food that must be maintained frozen solid? - Correct answer below 41 degrees F Roasts can be cooked to ___ degrees F for ___ minutes or per roast cook chart? - Correct answer 130 degree F for 112 minutes What is the 2-stage cooling process required for TCS foods? - Correct answer 135 to 70 in two hours And 470 to 41 in the next four hours *not to exceed 6 hours in total*
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